I am wanting to use some Black Knights in my Ravenwing army, as I think the dudes are pretty bad ass. I would like two units if I am honest, but previous play tests (using triple Attack Bikes and triple flamer units) doesn't work. So I am thinking about using a super size unit, say something 7-8 in size.

A RW Black Knight costs 42 points a pop and comes with a 18" twin-linked plasma gun and a funky mini hammer which gives +1 strength and also has the rending special rule. This seems pretty expensive at first glance, however when you factor in the model has skilled rider, scout, hit and run and has 4 attacks on the charge, well the Black Knight seems worth it.

I think it is also worth mentioning at this point that a standard Ravenwing Biker armed with a plasma gun also costs 42 points. While you lose out on the range, the Black Knight does have twin-linked and loads more cool special rules.

So, I have tried two units of five, they did ok, though nothing amazing for the points cost. They also die like normal Ravenwing Bikers. My plan is to include a super size unit about 7-8 strong and then use remaining points on plasma guns for normal Ravenwing wing.

Reason for additional plasma guns is I found the Black Knights attract a crap load of attention and once they are gone so are their plasma guns. At least with a few other Ravenwing loading with plasma guns I still have some plasma on my side.

I guess I could ditch some meltas (plan is to included four Attack Bikes and then four units of dual melta) and  bulk up the Black Knights unit eight strong - certainly would bring some dakka death. Also do I really need four multi meltas and six meltaguns?

Here's my options (not including bulk of the list) thanks to points remaining overall in the list:

Option 1

5 x Ravenwing w/ Attack Bike - 2 x meltaguns - Attack Bike w/ multi melta
5 x Ravenwing w/ Attack Bike - 2 x meltaguns - Attack Bike w/ multi melta
5 x Ravenwing w/ Attack Bike - 2 x meltaguns - Attack Bike w/ multi melta
5 x Ravenwing w/ Attack Bike - 2 x meltaguns - Attack Bike w/ multi melta
5 x Ravenwing - 2 x plasma guns
5 x Ravenwing - 2 x plasma guns

7 x Ravenwing Black Knights - grenade launcher

I've got eight meltaguns here, do I really need eight meltaguns?

Option 2

5 x Ravenwing w/ Attack Bike - 2 x meltaguns - Attack Bike w/ multi melta
5 x Ravenwing w/ Attack Bike - 2 x meltaguns - Attack Bike w/ multi melta
5 x Ravenwing w/ Attack Bike - 2 x flamers - Attack Bike w/ multi melta
5 x Ravenwing w/ Attack Bike - 2 x flamers - Attack Bike w/ multi melta
5 x Ravenwing - 2 x plasma guns
5 x Ravenwing - 2 x plasma guns

8 x Ravenwing Black Knights - 2 x grenade launchers

I've now got four meltaguns and four flamers - I tested flamers before and they didn't do a fat lot, though I can see they will be useful for hordes, especially when my dakka banner is dead meat.

I have included an extra Black Knight, who has a grenade launcher - I know that rad grenades do not stack (well I do not think so) but redundancy is the point here. I guess if they do not stack then I keep the plasma talon.

What to do? Stick with the meltas and slag face or throw in some flamers to cover all angles and bbq some ass?