
This just might work...

More fun with the grim-dark filter...
Rather than continue on with my Vanquisher, and actually complete a project for once, I instead decided to paint that Awesome Mech from my last post. I opted to go super simple  as it is 6mm scaled, meaning finely detailed paint jobs at that size are beyond my patience level. 

Starting with black as a base coat, I just dabbed on splotches of Coat D'arms' Hideous Blue, followed by Wizard Blue, and lastly GW's Administratum Grey. The base is Mechanicum Grey and the over-all light dry-brushing of the rust/grime is my usual mix.

No filters (just like me!).

I then added decals for my merc unit, The Buffet Assault Group (a.k.a. the TBAGerz) to the side torsos. The decals aren't too noticeable in those locations, but given that they're huge (relatively speaking) red logos on an urban camouflaged mech, that's probably not a bad thing I'd guess. Given that the decals were originally intended for 15mm scaled minis, the sides are the only locations where these will fit. As such, all 4 TBAGerz mechs were chosen specifically because they contained areas large enough to squeeze in said decals.

I think I'll just swap this large
laser out for an ER model.
As for the camouflage itself, in hindsight the effort of applying it to an 80-ton, upright walking monster is kind of a laughable notion. Sure, sure...in the smoke filled ruins of a burning city where IR sensors and radar could be all but rendered useless, and most encounters occur at point-blank range, that camo might actually work well enough to give the element of surprise! However this Awesome (along with it's 3 companions) are all long range fire support models. Meaning they're all terribly ill equipped for any sort of close range fire fight, rendering their urban camo into more of a fashion choice rather than a practical one.