
Whilst I've long been a fan of the Tech-Priest Dominus miniature*, I was not a fan of its price tag! Whomever it was a GW who thought that single, mono-pose miniatures are worth $30+ ought to be shipped over to China, and forced to package every last damned one of them by hand for the rest of their miserable life, but I digress...

I'm quite certain that this mini will be a beast to paint!.

Luckily though, I found one on ebay via one of my favorite bit sellers for less than a third of that price, and quickly snatched one up before they sold out of 'em! I wanted to do a conversion of this kit after coming across this amazing one done by WilhelMiniatures. Using that for inspiration, and perusing thru the various pages of parts in Blackdagger's store, I opted for a simple arm/hand swap which worked out quite nicely I think. 

The rear arm claws are from some sort of Plague-drone model.

Rather than use this for 40k, I'm thinking that it'll serve as an Auxilia Force Commander, leading a small allied contingent alongside my Blackshields with the cyber-augmented provenance. The chaos cultists always struck me as looking mildly cyber augmented anyways, and personally I think my Dominus fits right in with them aesthetically. 

Clearly its not a very high up on the totem pole Dominus, as its
schlepping around with a bunch of minimally-augmented menials...

*Image is a copyright of Games Workshop and used without permission.