Just as it should be!


I finally got in another round of Kill Team with my rescheduled game with Matt. He fielded a mix of genestealer cultists and genestealers, vs. my horde of chaos cultists lead by my female Nurgle CSM aspiring champion Donna Rhea. We played the sweep and clear scenario, with specialists but no command points to keep it a bit simple as this was only my 2nd. game. 

The following is my usual photo dump/highlight reel/half-assed excuse for a battle report:

The battlefield following deployment,
the 4 objectives are the ammo crates.

My wiley opponent Matt.

The battlelines quickly merge, including the dreaded charge of a genestealer right up the middle!

Luckily the dice were not with him and I counter charged my specialist (+1 attack) HTH cultist (who summarily died) into the melee. The other cultist would however prove to be rather resilient!

I love the Ymarl genestealer heads! I love 'em even more when they're wreathed in flames and removed from the board on turn 2!

Lacking a decent target to shoot, another hapless cultist
charges into the fray!

By this point the high volume of chaos shooting has thinned the xeno-loving herd considerably, though my casualties were getting frighteningly high as well!

With her bolter, Donna Rhea dispatches a wounded stealer fruitlessly trying to hold an objective late in the game.

Yul-somebody (the Genestealer cult leader) charges my guys in order to seize the objective. However it turns out that cultists, of both types suck in general and another long melee ensues...

Holding all four objectives, Chaos turns the tide and starts mopping up the enemy.

That accursed seismic cannon gunner had been a continuous thorn in my side, having accounted for my flamer specialist and several grunts over the course of the game. In the end my heavy stubber gunner and it would finish out the game trading ineffectual long ranged shots at one another. 

With my 2nd HTH cultist dead and the other grunt shaken and useless, Donna Rhea enters the fray...

...and with a single power sword swipe eliminates the last genestealer!

At game's end, both sides were shaken, however I held all 4 objectives for 3 points a piece, plus had killed 10 enemy models (for 1 KP a piece) giving me a grand total of 22 KPs. Matt on the other hand had totaled 12 KPs, all acquired via models killed. The game was a blood bath and much fun was had on both sides. 

Going forward, Matt's looking to organize a KT campaign soon, and I'm looking forward to it, though I'm not sure which force I'll use just yet.  


As we were leaving, Courtland's DKK army was advancing into the guns of Mike's Dark Angels. I have no idea who won this grueling battle but from what I'm told, this 1850* point game lasted for at least 5 hours! (((shudder)))
