
The enemy is that way!

Despite the sergeant-turned-gunner-turned-I-should-have-left-him-the-hell-alone debacle of my last post, I'm nonetheless pressing on with my kill team, albeit slowly. Stuck as we are here in a seemingly perpetual Appalachian summer, the spring flowers have decided to bloom yet again and my allergies are killing me! Its hard to do...well, anything when you're stopping what you're doing to blow your nose for the umpteenth time (however, if you own stock in the Kleenex company, you're welcome!). 

Anyways, despite all of that I'm creeping along on my Silver Drakes. I first swapped out all of the Ork debris on their bases for Genestealer/human skulls, rocks and stuff. I also did both a head swap and repositioned one arm on my auxiliary grenade launcher gunner mini to give him a more appealing pose. Seriously, some of these easy-build marine poses are kinda lame. 

This guy! This guy still needs blue!

I went to do a touch up priming of the new bits only to find I'm out of green primer, and was down to the last dregs of the brown primer (which resulted in the above minis getting a weird sorta woodland camo-ish base coat). From there I applied the basic leadbelcher and most of the metallic blue, well on three of 'em anyways. I'm hoping to have these either done or at the least a good bit further along in time for the local KT league that kicks off this coming Saturday evening. That's the plan anyways. 

He's leaning a bit towards his back, but overall I think it works.

I added a chainsword, the only thing a KT Intercessor
Sgt. can have that it's 40k counterparts cannot!

As I'm sure you've guessed from the above photos, I've also assembled a new, replacement sergeant for my team. Whilst he looks far more dynamic than my previous sergeant-turned-gunner, that has more to do with his base than anything else. I'll probably paint him last, especially as I'm out of primer for the time being.