The Silver Drakes' enemy number 1! |
Well sorta.
I hear the pitter patter of little feets...erm, claws. |
Okay fine, so these little gribblies are the wrong color to be from Ouroboris, however...they are painted decently. Indeed their paint looks good enough to land themselves at the ass end of my painting queue (unless I get some sort of wild hair and feel like repainting up a few at some point).
I got these for cheap on ebay, along with a fair number of their brethren who are armed with non-Kill Team compatible weaponry (spike rifles and stranglewebs). However if you're wanting some of those, then you can buy them here!
I don't like their straight tailed, current model brethren at all. Seriously, I can't tell a termagant from a hormagant these days. These minis are just better looking in my opinion, and with 2 Tyranid warriors (which I have yet to purchase) to keep 'em going forward, these'll make for a fun little kill team to run once in awhile.