I have been mad for 40k this weekend and I have been seriously getting my painting groove on.
I've been hacking through my Iron Warriors, which I haven't bothered with at all lately. I've had my CSM since the current codex come out and done not a fat lot with them. I think I had a fully painted squad and some Obliterators done and that's it. I've had several CSM painted boltgun and the Heldrake and Vindicators undercoated.
Over the weekend I pulled my finger out and got six Iron Warriors done - I had already done the plasma armed models in a single batch, so finishing off these six have given me a total of three complete squads now.
I purchased a new Windsor Newton Series 7 brush the other week and decided to put brush to paint over the weekend and get some highlighting done. Took all weekend to do, but I got this bad boy done. I have highlighted the panels with ironbreaker (old chainmail) and done the gold with shining gold and the purple flesh with daemonette purple. Lastly I added some black dust Forge World weathering powder to the baleflamer and rear thrusters.
As the painting machine was back in town I decided to get some test Ravenwing done. Took longer than I thought thanks to the layers of white and highlights etc. I did the white with ceramite white then washed blue with a white dry brush layer. I need to re-do the white layer on the vanes as it's a bit unfinished. I added F.W dirt and dust weathering powders, which I think finishes off the models nicely.