
Well, with the latest and hopefully final paradigm shift (for awhile anyways) having now passed. My Beloved Wolfy and I are settling into our 'new normal' once again. One particular boon of this latest change is the return to a consistent, daily chunk of time that can be easily used for hobbying, huzzah! As such, I was able to finally finish up my Renegade Iron Hands/Blackshields fire support squad:

Lousy photos equals: fun with filters!

Now along with my Medusa, both of my two heavy choices are painted, I'll next turn to that woefully neglected portion of my 30k force org: Troops!


On the Kill Team front: after another two games my Silver Drakes remain undefeated, though admittedly, the last game was won by only the slimmest of margins! Whilst the realization that my marines have a WS/BS of 4+ continues to throw my opponents for a loop, it luckily hasn't proven to be too much of a hinderance to me. 

SMURFS!?! Attack! ATTACK!!!!

What will hurt here shortly is the rising point costs associated with going up in levels! I have a 7 strong team, leaving one extra to fill in for whomever is convalescing. However I'll only be able to field 5 at best now, or possibly just FOUR! (gulp)

What's a little brawl amongst battle brothers, right? Oh, that genestealer masquerading as a lamp post? Meh, let the Salamanders' scouts handle that....

On the bright side though, I took out Matt's level 3 Genestealer Cult Aberrant team leader! Yup, he's dead Jim. Appropriately enough, Matt's morale resource value is now the lowest in the league!

A wiley Matt, lurking in the shadows...