
Lavender Death approaches!

Having just built my the final two mechs in this lance last week, I thought I'd divert myself away from Kill Team projects and try to capitalize on my Battletech enthusiasm by painting these before my mind wanders off in another direction...again, as usual. So I took one of my Urbies out of the case to use as a guide to make sure the red and blue are on the correct sides. Despite being a simple color scheme, its easy to fuck up by getting the colors reversed... 

Woops! Had to hold up on the red to get a quick pic for this post's 3-photo minimum (that's a thing right?).

Aside from the Purple base with red and blue trim, there's no real definitive way to paint FWLM mechs. I figure the trim is left up to the individual mechwarrior's preference, kinda like the nose art on real-world military aircraft (well, mostly vintage aircraft anyways). True, my urbies all match, but hell they're just urbies. Their mechwarrior's are too busy trying to get promoted out of those deathtraps asap, to even worry about what colors they're painted! 

...and now with the red. Next up will be the metal bitz and then onto detailing rather than slogging thru a bunch more yucky batch painting, bleh!

I had hoped to get a game of Battletech in this evening with my buddy Rob, but that's not going to pan out I'm afraid (my schedule is at fault this time, not his as is the norm). Oh well, that give's me more time to get these closer to being done (as opposed to the current: base coated/fugly stage).