He's dead Jim...

SPOILER ALERT!!-oh wait, lol yeah never mind. 

The Silver Drakes had a good run going there, but ya can't win 'em all. That and the combination of only being able to field 5 guys vs. a Nid KT with a fucking lictor that's all but being guaranteed to be in close combat at the beginning of turn 1 kinda skews things outta my favor no matter what strategy one tries. 

Still, my boys went down fighting (or, in some cases hopelessly flailing) and as is always the case when playing Screech, a fun time was had at least.

The field of battle.

The bugs, lurking to my right and looking to overload my flank (which they achieved with frightening speed!).

Only one volley of overwatch was fired before the Lictor connected with a grunt. That did inflict a wound on the monster at the least.

Sarge charges into the fray with his usual brand of mediocrity (i.e.: 2 guaranteed missed hits per turn, with no hope of improvement no matter how many CPs are spent on rerolls).

The big beastie's charge was weathered however, and it took a wound as well! Following that, the little gribblies poured into the fray!

How hard can it be to dispatch 2 little gribblies on the 3rd floor?
Quite hard, apparently... 

With my Sergeant down on turn 2, Demotion and my AGL gunner assist by uselessly shooting terrain pieces, along with squandering a my few remaining CPs on futile rerolls to hit.

Now THAT'S how you aim for promotion! My breacher specialist takes down the Lictor armed with no other CCW than his fist! Thusly inspired, my team summarily fails it's break test calls for EVAC and an orbital bombardment now that it's mission is accomplished, and flees fights a textbook withdrawal from the battlefield!

So much for chasing a promotion...apparently he didn't get clear before that orbital strike hit and was instead blown to bits! Martyrdom...it sounds so good until it happens to you.

Well, with the loss of one veteran, to be replaced with a noob means I can field 6 guys again right? Wrong! The rest of my fire team went up to both level 3 as well as another point each, all but negating the noob discount! Hell, after surviving a single game that noob will then rise up to the same level (both in XP and point cost) as the rest. Worse yet, that infernal Lictor not only recovered following the battle, but gained an armor save increase to a 4+!

Oh well, on to the next battle I suppose!


Earlier, Bob played a demo vs. Michael. You can tell that they're both playing Dark Angels not by the paint jobs, but rather because they're both on the same side!