Notta whole lot has gone on hobbywise this week. Christmas didn't net me any new toys, though My Beloved Wolfy did get me the novel: Magos, the latest in the Eisenhorn series. True to Abnett's form, its been an excellent read right from the start! Its a fairly thick tome, I'm a slow reader, and do so usually only on my lunch breaks at work, so it ought to keep me entertained for quite awhile. 

On the painting front, I'm chugging along slowly but surely on my Tyranid Warrior's base. Its ready for a decal on the escape pod door, and aside from the final assembly, snow flock. However the latter won't come until I first paint the pile o' parts that is my Tyranid warrior (the bastard took a swan dive off the deck during the priming stage that left me searching thru the grass for bug bitz!). 

Oh well, it'll probably be easily to paint unassembled anyways...

Have a happy and safe New years folks!!!
(oh, and be sure to drink heavily if you're hunkering down instead of going out)