So, about a year and a half ago, I designed and printed and eventually fielded 3 counts as Leman Russ Tanks.  You can take a look here. I enjoyed the process of making them, but they were so different, my opponents needed constant reminding of what my vehicles were.  I decided that the only way to fix this was not only to redesign the tank, but to ensure it retained essential elements common on Leman Russ Tanks.  Later I decided that it should be an upgrade kit that required a Leman Russ kit.

I really don't like the side sponsons of the actual kit, and also felt the track pattern was odd.  So as you can see in the images below, I've lowered the track line, and mounted the side weapons above the tracks.

Let me know what you think.

The reset bolt head details are missing on the right side.  Bad print. 

I've been thinking about a turret mod, but I'm not sold on it yet.  This one's fit is slightly off, as often happens as I work though these problems. 

I'd have liked more room for the track to bend as it turned under the track guard, but the fits were close.