
The Tau were remarkably resilient in HTH...must've been the additional,
ablative layer of paint. My Relictors really need some of that!

I managed to get a game in at the FLGS Saturday, and was having so much fun that photos were more or less an afterthought. As such few photos were taken and of those, most were lousy. We had a 4-player free-for-all, between myself with the Relictors and a few cultists liberated penal guardsmen, Bob and his (sadly muppet free) Tau Fire Warriors, Noah and his Salamanders Pollywogs, and Phil with his frickin Ulthwe (I think) Eldar that hid in the corner, behind heavy cover all game. 

The good guys shooting the bad guys...as to which is which is a matter of opinion.

Noah and Phil are younger players, and have the ridiculously simple tactics match (i.e.: nobody moves and everybody readies themselves). Thus the 1st turn, Bob and BS'ed whilst the teenagers blazed away at one another with their fully readied teams. Noah actually started moving after that...Phil, not so much.

They're game play is very reminiscent of Screech at that age, so much so that I was calling Phil: Screech (the actual Screech wasn't present but at home playing video games on STEAM, I meant fixing software...). Noah does at least maneuver to some extent now...well, sorta. 

Mercifully, the Tau's massed overwatch supporting fire was wildly inaccurate, allowing me to make multiple charges in as many turns!

My marines used stub cannons in lieu of bolters and they really weren't any better or worse. The S:5 is lost when shooting at filthy xenos and the inability to rapid fire was a little painful, however the shortened range was of no concern in such a target rich environment and wounding marines on 3's balances out the negatives qualities. 

In the end Phil won, Noah was down to his last, shaken Primaris marine when his ride showed up (and he promptly fled the field), Bob's Tau were broken and the game ended before I could test to see if mine were broken as well. I probably got that last bit out of sequence, but the game was over and I  certainly wasn't in the lead making it a moot point.