
Progress has been a bit slow this week. Monday's hobby time was mostly spent blogging about my recent battletech game (which will post tomorrow). Aaaargh, multi-blog interference already!?! 

Worse yet, even though its only fucking February (and ya know, supposedly winter...), the allergy nightmare normally reserved for spring/summer is already in full swing! Medications are flowing freely, but as is always the case with the initial onslaught, they're having little-to-no effect. Already being doomed, I said fuck it and drove around town in this 'spring' weather with the truck's windows wide open anyways, not like it would make any difference in whether or not I can breathe thru my nose anyways right?

I did manage to add some decals to my container at the very least (and many, many kleenex gave their absorbent lives in said endeavor). 

'Pizz off Wankaz'? HERESY! **BLAM!!** Seems WaaarghPug's boyz have been here...

 On the other side we have: 'Waaaaggh Beeotch? 'MORE HERESY!!  (and another) **BLAM!!**  Hrmm, maybe instead it was Neverness and his nefarious bunch.
Yeah, I love decals soooooo much that I went and added an Aquila inside on the partition wall! Curiously, that gave me less trouble then those on the exterior.
So anyways, that's all I have for this go round. Now if you'll excuse me...I need to blow my nose for the umpteenth time today...