Not quite sure where the hobbying doldrums came from, but I'm trying to get things moving again. I dunno, maybe it was a bad time to start a battletech blog, as those are the only games I've played here of late, with another scheduled here in a about 2 weeks time. 

Working on the old 3-color minimum...

After looking at my vast horde of now and old unpainted minis the other day, and trying to decide where to start painting (again), I finally just said fuck it, and primed the Daughters of the Burning Rose as they were conveniently sitting right in front of me. 

I've since added the leadbelcher dry brushed base coat and after a lot of thinning, I managed to get my Mephiston Red sludge thin enough to use again. Cloaks are the current stage of this bunch and then after that we'll see. I honestly don't have a plan for these pretty ladies at the moment, rather am just kinda blundering along.