
Neverness recently commented that we were about due for our 'quasi-annual' Orks vs Orks 40k game. I agreed and started looking thru the ruins of my army to see what all I could scrape together. 

Turns out: not much.

I have approx. 1,000 points using the 'patrol' force org. No doubt CP farmers are already giving that army type a hardy 'boo-hiss', but the battalion list requires 3 troops choices which I don't have. Following the debacle that was the release of the 'updated' 7th ed Ork Codex, and my subsequent rage-quit/ebaying frenzy, I found my current troops allotment down to a mere 13 Ork boyz and only a handful of grots!

I found the stikkbomb toting grunt a bit odd, till I read that 1 in 10 ork boyz can have tankbusta bombz in the new codex. 

Funds are tight currently, but I did find a cheap squad of 10 (and for once, well assembled) boyz on ebay and picked 'em up. I'll probably get another from the same seller in the future if they're still available to get the requisite (if only the minimum) of 3 troops choices, but the 20ish that I have now will just have to suffice for the time being.