Hey everyone!  The "Realistic Water" tm has dried and I am very pleased.  I thought I would liven the pictures up a bit with a few figures, since I figured a few pictures of glossy acrylic wouldn't be very awe inspiring.

I don't know how they made it this far, but they won't get much farther.

Guardians vs a Mortar Squad...

Roll Call:  
-On the Bastion roof, a heavy weapons squad with 3 autocannon teams, 10 ratlings, company command squad with commissar, lascannon team, MoO, and OoF.

From left to right along the wall, Infantry Squad with missile launcher, Penal Legion Squad, Veteran Squad, Mortar Squad


12 Guardians, 11 Storm Guardians, 10 Dire Avengers

Looks like a special weapons team has left the bastion to reinforce the line

A close up of the action

A haunting picture as the team moves out...

As the enemy closes, the bastion's weapons get harder and harder to aim...

Thanks for stopping by, I'm thinking I might add a second bottle of  "Realistic Water" to cover some of the debris.

If I was going to do it again, I would cut an inch off of the bottom of the bastion.

By popular demand (100% of commentors requested it...)

The counts as ratlings...