In a spirit of cooperation and friendship, I plan to model up a few extra officers of the Medusan Imperial Guard.

These officers will then be sent to deserving bloggers, to be used as Veteran Sergeants, Officers of the Fleet, Platoon Commanders, Masters of Ordinance, and other roles as deemed fit by their new commanders.

What do I mean by deserving?  Well, there are no hard and fast rules, but those bloggers who have added constructive comments, participated in the Ruins of Medusa V web-campaign, or served as inspiration would certainly be on the list.

What do I get out of it?  Hopefully, I get to see one of my guys in a Battle Report someday.

I may do the same thing with Eldar and Space Marines if this turns out to be a good idea.

So, leave a comment to show you might be interested.  Please don't post personal info, I'll have to delete any emails or addresses of the overzealous.
