I am not a massive fan of Tau as you know. The only thing I can say I moderately like is the Battlesuits and that's about it. The curved vehicles and shitty blocky shoulder pads on the Fire Warriors do my nut; I just cannot stand them. I think I also do not like Tau as I am not a fan of manga and Tau have a lot of similar designs to manga.

Anyway, if I did Tau I would probably do something like this:

I would take Farsight and add in four Crisis Battlesuit bodyguards; I've only added four due to points cost. I would give the Crisis Suits fusion blasters and plasma rifles along with target lock so they can drop in and unleash some serious pain. As a bonus I will throw in the iridium armour, puretide chip, command and control node and multi spectrum suite. Does make the unit very expensive.

To help the unit survive I'd like to add in Shadowsun - stealth and shrouding is nice along with the 3D6" thrust movement.

Troop wise I think I will keep the numbers low and take three units of ten Fire Warriors. I'll throw in two Cadre Fireblades so two units get those extra shots.

Onto elites, a unit of three Crisis Suits with twin-linked missile pods will do nicely for dealing with light armour and transport vehicles - this unit will put out 9 S7 shots at BS3 twin-linked. To support them and give additional threats I'll throw in two Riptides - I'll keep the heavy burst cannon and switch the smart missile for a twin-linked plasma rifle - all S6 dakka death then.

Lastly onto heavy support and I am looking at Broadsides. Three units of three with velocity trackers and high yield missile pods will destroy anything in the air - that's 12 x S7 twin-linked shots and then 12 twin-linked S5 ignores cover shots, good luck jinking that!

Adding up the points I am over by a fair amount. I will have to drop Shadowsun as she makes the already expensive HQ choice even more expensive. The two Fireblades will have to go as well.

Here's the list:

Tau - 2,000 points


Commander Farsight
4 x Crisis Battlesuit Bodyguards - 4 x plasma rifles, 4 x fusion blasters, 4 x target lock, multi spectrum sensor suite, command & control node, iridium armour & puretide chip


3 x Crisis Battlesuits - 3 x twin-linked missile pods


10 x Fire Warriors
10 x Fire Warriors
10 x Fire Warriors

Heavy Support

3 x Broadside Team - high yield missile pods & velocity tracker
3 x Broadside Team - high yield missile pods & velocity tracker
3 x Broadside Team - high yield missile pods & velocity tracker

Total: 2,010

The points are over at the moment so that will need sorting.

I do like Farsight's ability to deep strike without scatter, the unit then can lay down a lot of death, though seems they are in the opponent's face then the unit will be expecting a lot of return fire power. The 2+ save is nice, but that model may not be always at the front. Plus the T5 is wasted. Maybe I should ditch the iridium armour? Considering I am not using the max Bodyguard numbers perhaps I should ditch Farsight or consolidate the Crisis Battlesuit unit into the Bodyguard unit?

Anyway, Farsight and his buddies drop down and unleash fusion and plasma while splitting fire if required thanks to target lock. Can use tank hunter from the puretide chip or monster hunter. Ignores cover if there's a unit which needs dealing with, but keep in mind the setup of this unit is best for slagging monstrous creatures, elite infantry and light and transport armour.

Crisis Suits hang back and drop down missiles from a distance.

Riptides finish off survivors from any wrecked transports or finish off those vehicles. Will activate the nova to unleash mega dakka.

Fire Warriors pick on infantry, they support the Riptides and Crisis Suits by blasting survivors from destroyed vehicles.

Broadsides dakka anything flying or armour - I might switch one unit to railguns to deal with armour better, however those railguns will only work for medium armour and I am best keeping the high yield missiles as you get more shots.

What are your thoughts on my first take on Tau? No doubt it can be improved, hit me up in the comment box.