He'z gotz da oomies in iz' cross'airs! |
I had just enough primer to fully coat both the base and bomma, though not the actual bombs. WiIll have to prime them in some other color I suppose. Speaking of Da Boyz, plans are in motion and hopefully Neverness and I will be able to play our annual Orks vs. Orks game on the 25th. I'll have to excavate my army out from long term storage and see just what all I actually have to make a list with. That ought to be fun.
Whether we'll be playing our last game of 8th or instead our first for 9th ed remains to be seen. Given how often we play (going on about 13ish months now since our last game) it likely won't matter. We'll be so rusty when it comes to the rules that it'll likely be an amalgamation of the two, lol.
Da' pilot is now in his seat, though I had a bit of an issue getting his left arm into the proper position before the glue set up (i.e.: I didn't). However in the tight confines of the cockpit it'll just look like he's going into a turn or something (hell, I think the angle on one of the wings is a bit off as well, but ya know...Orks and all that...).
Da grot gunner is next on the to-do list and then...I guess I need to figure out just what colors I'm actually going to paint this thing. Honestly, I haven't figured that bit out just yet.