Yes, I'm certain Baxter is back there wishing he could jump up on the railing and knock this off! |
I've been struggling a bit to find the want to paint, though I have managed to do so here and there. Currently (as you can see), da' bomma is a multi-colored mess that looks like it was built from a few separate wrecked aircraft. Whilst that's very 'Orky' it remains to be seen as to whether or not I can tie it all together into a cohesive looking, finished paint job or not. We'll see I guess.
Our annual Ork v. Ork game was has been postponed by 2 weeks (we hope) due to scheduling conflicts. Speaking of Neverness, this project may delayed a bit as his August Inquisitorial Conclave Painting Challenge is set to start in little more than a week's time. I've selected my minis for that project, but will save pics/descriptions thereof for August.