
To quote Neverness who saw a preview of this model:
'That's the face of a guy who stares down Greater Daemons!'

Well these three were a bit of a slog, especially after the Banner scroll debacle. Said debacle delayed this post by about a week, indeed my prior post was to come after this one to be honest. 

However, as I was getting ready to take pics of these three completed minis, I noticed only then that my Hellblaster was sporting a tactical arrow rather than devastator chevron. Thus they were delayed once more. 

First up, the Ancient:

Ultimately, I'm happy with the result (Note: the discarded Primaris Lt. helm half buried at his feet).

A chunk of Rhino door from an unidentified chapter/warband/legion rounds out the battlefield debris on his base.

The rear view, which in his battlefield debut was backed into a table corner, surrounded by a daemonic horde of Slaanesh.  

Second up is my first painted Hellblaster:

This unit is golden in every game in which they're fielded. That is why I've been so slow to paint them as they sometimes moonlighted as Silver Drakes. 

The aforementioned corrected unit icon.

Next is my final (female) Intercessor:

As she is the last Intercessor in my squad of 10, it goes without saying that clearly Ladies First doesn't apply on Macragge. 

Not sure who's box o' ammo she's standing on, but it looks cinematic enough.

With her helm sporting a red stripe she'll serve as her sergeant's squad 2nd, and will lead the separate combat squad when I opt for that deployment option.

Lastly, a group shot of the three:

I think that that's enough painting of Smurfs for a bit. Surprisingly, I'm getting dangerously close to having my whole (little) army painted!