Warhammer 30K (v.2) is coming...

I googled purple sand (which was recently discovered in a coffee can buried in amongst the clutter of my little home) and the first thing to pop up was surprisingly a beach in the Big Sur region of California.

Speaking of recent discoveries, I also found this poor bastard (probably one of those gifted to me by Kushial) immersed in Simple Green in a container tucked away in a cabinet the other day (found some Guardsmen too, but haven't rescued them yet). He looked to have been primed white which strikes me as an odd crime for such a punishment but whatever. As you can see he has since recovered. 

I believe this guy was originally intended to be an Incandescent Coyote

As we all know, there's a new version of 30K coming and I thought I'd try and give it another go and maybe even manage a full 20-strong tactical squad (for once) this time around! That said, I didn't want to recreate a previously painted army and...well in the past I've fielded quite a few of the original 20 18 Legions. Those past armies include:

Space Wolves twice over (also my first ever space marine army)

Dark Angels

Iron Hands

Iron Warriors


Ultramarines (and still have them)


Alpha Legion

Not sure if I can say Luna Wolves as instead it was the Black Legion...

...and yes, I've apparently flirted with the Blood Angels as well managing 2 whole minis before giving up (you can imagine my surprise when I went to tag this post only to find that the Blood Angels were already in my list...damnit).

Anyways, to that list I'll now add the Blood Angels (also v.2). Using the same, stupid simple color scheme methodology as I have on my Tau (only without all the grime which does not hide all of my mistakes as these pics will show you...). As such I cranked this guy out over a few evenings after I gave up on packing up my household stuff. 

I ordered a few bits to kit him/them out properly with a bolter, bolt pistol and combat blade. I also picked up a few chapter legion specific shoulders pads, though this guy isn't sporting one of those as they were still enroute at the time.

Ugh! The camera sees so many tiny mistakes that you honestly can't see (with my aging eyes) in real life!