
Everyone's favorite heretical 'freedom fighters' fighting for and against both the Imperium and themselves (depending on which of Ben Counter's novels you're reading at the time).

No, no...this is not a new project. Rather its an old one that's finally getting some paint. Indeed, I started this one way back in 2019, and never really did much with them as I didn't like renegade marines armed with Goliath stub cannons (are they shotguns? are they bolters?) yeah that mainly. 

My can of primer clogged which adversely effected this a few other minis. Looks downright horrid in these pics but isn't so bad when viewed with the eye rather than the harsh magnification of the camera.

I liked the look of the conversions overall, just never the weaponry. I once tried them as actual stub cannons as well which is really a terrible gun in 40k (and rightly so for black market ganger weaponry). I didn't like the Relictors' color scheme on them either, also throwing them into their long hiatus.

I mean seriously, how can you not like purple armored marines? Given that that's my favorite color, it kinda baffles me that I've never really bothered painting any marines purple outside of one or two Emperor's Children models for 30k.

Recently however I discovered the Goliath Weapons Upgrade packs had bolters (2) as it turns out per box. I would need (3) and so I found one set of bolter arms and ordered them in amidst an order of other bitz for some of my pointless side projects that I'm so fond of. 

This now bolter equipped mini looks soooo much better me thinks. Thus, I'll get that upgrade box and kit out the other two bolter grunts in my squad of five. That and likely switch my heavy bolter gunner (who has SM scout arms) to have either the cool Goliath meltagun or flamer arm as well!