
I had to 'rearm' this mini as the china-cast arms kept breaking during assembly.

Hello folks. It's time for another of Neverness' Inquisitorial Conclaves where bloggers get together and pledge to paint Inquisitors and their assorted cronies and hangers-on for the month. 

This is actually her 3rd set of arms. The 2nd necessitated the removal of her cloak which was unfortunate.

This year's entry for me Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Tibadaux. Orphaned as a child, she was raised in an Adeptus Sororitus convent in hopes of someday achieving the rank of battle sister. Despite excelling in all fields of devotional and martial study, Tibadaux's hopes were dashed when she started to display uncontrollable psychic abilities as she entered puberty.

Tossed in a cell to await the next passing Black Ship, she was rescued from her fate by an Inquisitor who saw use for a half-trained Sister of Battle with psychic talents. 

Her null rod-whip.

Eventually rising to the rank of Inquisitor herself, the irony of a psyker serving an Ordo whose motto is 'BURN THE WITCH!' is not lost on Inquisitor Tibadaux. Indeed, one of her preferred weapons is a null rod (an abhorrent weapon to pyskers) that has been combined with a whip. Accompanying that is her wrist-mounted needle pistol with an integral bayonet.

The partially primed acolyte is the longest surviving member of her retinue. As such he's modified his kit a bit and doesn't look as if he just stepped out of the mines like his compatriots. 

Coming from humble origins herself, she prefers to recruit acolytes from the bottom of Imperial society. Often miners, and industry which weeds out the weak quickly. More hired muscle than anything else, Tibadaux gives these humble souls a chance (and an autogun) to serve the Emperor for a higher purpose for the rest of their (invariably brief) lives. 

The primed acolyte has stripped his kit of the mine specific safety gear (questionable as that stuff is in a grim dark universe), allowing for better movement and flexibility along with a bit of extra ballistic protection. His back up weapon is an axe, whilst the others prefer pistols. He's also upgraded his autogun to have a drum magazine, because having to reload in a firefight is a rookie mistake! 

She hopes that eventually she'll find some who will serve long enough with her to enter inquisitorial training. However, for the time being the mines at least provide an endless recruitment pool. 

At the very least the Inquisitor will be painted this month. Her retinue ought not be hard to accomplish either, and if I'm feeling really ambitious I'll try and finish off her partially painted Rhino too!