
On patrol in the mossy wilds of the Appalachian subsector.

This is the first model painted for another, new 40K army (because...you know, I play so much of the game). I've been bouncing's back and forth between Iggie and GSC lists. On one hand I was leaning towards the Iggies as the GSC is a bit too convoluted for my tastes. That said, the faction icon resembles that of a Ymgarl genestealer so maybe the GSC would be better.

The decals came out kinda crummy for who knows what reason as I applied them the same as I always do. I'll probably go back and paint over the decal sheet haloing appearance. 

I've ordered a platoon's worth of Infantry which was recently displayed on the Devos IV's brick of scrutiny. As cool as those minis are, there only seem to be 12 individual poses which is terribly limiting. The solution to that is obvious: add tanks. 

Judging by the bizarre glyphs that presumably say something, clearly this is a local, planetary language and not the high or low Gothic of the Imperium. 

As such, the Whippet is the first one. Originally I had intended to use it as a Hellhound proxy, only to discover upon its arrival that it came with a whole slew of weapon options, and all with magnet holes included! 

A better view of the Ymgarl Genestealer-esque icons, as well as a few kill markings.

Hemming and hawing on whether or not to use it as a Leman Russ hull or Chimera hull tank proxy, I instead went for option #3: a Carnadon Proxy. The Carnadon is a none too pretty, hideously expensive 30K Imperialis Milita tank (or 40K legends) produced by the now defunct Forgeworld. 

I only seem to have taken this one pic of this side of the tank. Note the laughably useless pistol port. 

All told, the aforementioned 36 Infantry models and this tank clocked in at roughly $100. The same as 2 boxes of Cadians. Very much a bargain, even if I am terribly limited in regards to the lack of variety amongst the infantry. They however have yet to ship, so for now this tank has taken up residence in my display case. 

Faction icon and more of their strange glyphs/writing on the tank's only hatch. The rear also has a pistol port as well. 

Edit: I did paint around the decals and they do look much better now.