**This is a bit of a moan, so if you're not interested then Autobots roll out.

I admit that sometimes I miss things and read things too quickly. It's an honest mistake and shit happens. Other people do this too, we're all human. What annoys me is when people read things wrong and then bitch  about me and slag me off. I was made aware of these posts on Whingeseer aka Warseer.

Fable wrote:

If anyone would like a good laugh, Imperius Dominatus posted his Fast Attack grades for the Eldar Dex. At first I agreed with his scores when I saw things like Warp Spiders 6.5 or Wraithfighter 4, until I noticed he was rating out of 10 instead of out of 5. That said it is interesting to see the ramblings of a player that obviously 1 ) does not play the race and 2) does not understand how they play on the table top.

If his review is the type of thing that passes for the collective internet wisdom of non-Eldar players when viewing our dex I think we'll have a good 8 months of opponents making poor target priority decisions.

He also disregards Vypers because he prefers Land Speeders with dual melta? Whereas I tend to grab 3 with dual shuriken cannons every time I can because they're just THAT good.

Gwyidion wrote:

Imp. Dom. basic discarding of Swooping Hawks was pretty funny.

How hard is it to understand the power of a unit which gets a S4 AP4 ignore-cover large blast and up to 30 BS4 S3 shots for (pretty cheap)?

thats basically half a combat squad. Everytime. No scatter. No reprisals. You get to just choose.

Also, a 6.5 for a unit with a max move of 36" - still being able to fire at full BS, in which every guy carries what amounts to an autocannon vs. vehicles.

In case you missed the fast attack review or didn't read it properly here is a link: Eldar fast attack

Fable, I gave Warp Spiders a 8/10 rating, not a 6.5/10 - that was Swooping Hawks.

If you bothered to look further you would see I used to play Eldar.

At no point did I say I preferred the Land Speeder to a Vyper. This is exactly what I said "Vehicle wargear is available, holofield maybe an interest, but bumps the points up. However the Vyper with double shuri cannons and holofield is about the same points cost as a dual multi melta Space Marine Land Speeder."

So, I never said I preferred it at all, extremely bad paraphrasing my friend. I was just comparing the Land Speeder with dual meltas to a more survivable and more dakka Vyper. 

And for Gwyidion, it looks like you fail to read as well. Swooping Hawks, I mentioned about the large blast, which I distinctly mentioned because you need SIX models for it - so half a combat squad isn't correct. I also mentioned about no scatter. 

As mentioned already, I didn't give Warp Spiders a 6.5/10.

Seriously, amigos, you both need to read better and not slag and bitch about people when YOU are wrong. You both look like prize internet troll buffoons. Though thanks for the extra traffic, much appreciated :) 

Please people, lets read a little more and not whine at people for your own failings. It really isn't cool or very fair.