I am thinking of running the below for my Eldar force. Yup I know it is spam wagon, but I like fast moving shooty vehicles and really how can you pass on Wave Serpents?

Eldar 'Serpent Spam' - 2,000 points




5 x Wraithguard w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofields
5 x Wraithguard w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofields
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofields
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofields
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofields
5 x Dire Avengers w/ Wave Serpent - Serpent w/ twin-linked scatter lasers & holofields

Fast Attack

Vyper - shuriken cannon
Vyper - shuriken cannon

Heavy Support

2 x War Walkers - 4 x scatter lasers
2 x War Walkers - 4 x scatter lasers
2 x War Walkers - 4 x scatter lasers

Total: 2,000

So I finally settled on Wraithguard over Fire Dragons. Big reason is they can score with a Spiritseer and are plastic models. I know the Dragons are better at av14 destruction, but double Wraithguard units should destroy av14 together easy enough, plus how much av14 do you see? I can also spiritmark an av14 unit and both Wraithguard units can re-roll to 1's to hit on it.

Another reason for Wraithguard is because I like the Spiritseer powers better. You get two powers for the price of one, so essentially you are getting four powers on a mastery level 2 psyker. Also all powers are warp charge one, so can use multiple powers each turn. I really do like giving shrouding and +1 armour save to units - 2+ armour save Wraithguard anyone? What about 3+ armour save Terminators? :P

This list functions pretty easily; War Walkers hang back and dish out scatter death while using battle focus to run and hide or at least get cover.

Wave Serpents will use their shields if getting shot at first turn, if they go first they can use scatters combo with the bow shields. The Wraithguard Serpents will move flat out right up and the Spiritseer will cast conceal on his own tank. Avengers only bail out to gang up on depleted enemy infantry or claim objectives; objectives I will place in area terrain so they can go to ground for +2 cover save if they survive.

The Vypers will just fanny about and pick on side and rear armour on transports and blast small units such as Havocs, Cultists, Grots etc.