Grey Knights - 1,500 points


Ordo Malleus Inquisitor - 25

10x Strike Knights, 2x psycannon, hammer, Rhino - 270 10x Strike Knights, 2x psycannon, hammer, Rhino - 270 5x Strike Knights, psycannon, Razorback, Psybolt ammo - 160 5x Strike Knights, psycannon, Razorback, Psybolt ammo - 160

Heavy Support Dreadnought w/ 2x twin-linked autocannon, Psybolt ammo - 135 Dreadnought w/ 2x twin-linked autocannon, Psybolt ammo - 135
Total: 1155

That's the template I want to take for my main detachment, then I've got three options for allies drawn up, just wondering which you think would work best
I need a backfield scoring unit and skyfire, so...
Ethereal - 50 10x Kroot - 60 2x Broadsides w/ 2x Velocity Tracker, 4x Missile Drone - 218
Primaris Psyker - 70 10x Veterans w/ 3x meltagun - 100 Vendetta - 130
Overlord - 90 Warriors w/ Nightscythe - 165 Annihilation Barge - 90
Which do you reckon would work best?
I'm leaning towards Necrons, but wanted a more experience opinion.

Right, Grey Knights aren't a bad army, though lost some power from 5th, this is mostly about assaulting from vehicles and hull points being introduced. They are still a pretty powerful army though. Their problem is they lack anti air, the only thing they really have is Stormraven. When using allies you always need to look for what they can give you or what you need. You need anti air. Luckily for you Grey Knights will ally with almost anything.
The choices you selected are fine, though in the Tau list you could squeeze a Commander with puretide chip and three Broadsides. Or two Broadsides if the points are tight.
The Veterans, I would grab triple plasma guns. They will make a much better backfield scoring unit and bring a few ranged shots. I guess you fancy dropping them out the 'Detta though for some suicide action.
Necrons are ok, mindshackles on the Overlord if you can.
Hope that helps :)