40k tournaments are a funny thing, they are like marmite, you either like love them or hate them. Tournaments have a reputation of being attended by super hardcore players, rules lawyers and TFG. This isn't true, tournaments have general players going there and really tournie games are just like having a game with your mate. I will sneak in and say that the more free spirited geeks attend rather than the more quieter disclosed geeks.

I've only been to three tournaments (and ran two myself), all games were fine and I only had one guy who was being an ass at the end of the game in order so he can win. In some cases I think this stigmata around tournaments is what scares some people off.

There seems to be a split on opinion about tournaments and that is some people completely shun them and loathe them and maybe in some cases seem frightened about them while other people get a raging hard on as soon as you mention the words 40k tournament.

I'll tell you where I stand and that is I have a mixed opinion on tournaments:

Tournaments are an excellent place to test your mettle, though playing at tournaments are like normal games of 40k and majority of the people are less than average skill I have found - they really are general folk up for a laugh and up for testing themselves. You also get to play against totally new people, see new tricks and funky model paint jobs or even wicked conversions. If you have a bit of a competitive streak in you and want to succeed and see how well you can do, then tournaments are ace.

Tournaments are good fun,  so don't get me wrong when I talk about the negative.

The downside for tournaments for me is the cost. The only tournaments I have been to are local ones or ones which have very low cost. I have noticed that tournaments tend to be about £35 - £45, which is for a weekend. Now that amount just to play toy soldiers over the weekend is very expensive. I have got a board at home and a vast amount of local 40k buddies who I can hook up with. Then you have got travel costs, food costs and if you are stopping over any accommodation costs. If you go out on the pop the weekend you're talking even more. Depending on exact costs and if you stop in a hotel I would say going to a tournament maybe about £60 - £80 - that's a lot of money to play toy soldiers.

Then there is the whole weekend jobbie. I am not such about you fellows, but my weekend is my precious family time. I work in the week and my partner works at night. Weekends are always reserved for family activities etc. A whole weekend of geeking is up is taking a lot of time away from my family and dare I say perhaps too much 40k?

I think the cost and huge time loss just to get bragging rights is a big negative factor for me in tournaments. A single day local tournament would be ok for me. Larger tournaments require too much of an investment on too many levels.

What are your thoughts on tournaments? Love them or loathe them?