I have come to the realization that I have way too much 40K stuff for a guy who only plays maybe a dozen times a year.  I have liquidated my complete Eldar collection, including codexes, bits and conversions.  Well, not my complete collection, I have kept a few models that I was especially proud of, something I wish I had done with my Tau.

I did find I was able to get a much higher return of my Eldar by selling them as units instead of trying to sell "Large Eldar Army". Although now I do have a few unused army cases lying around.

I have no takers for my Mega Terrain, but may have luck on ebay.  Shipping will be a b!t($ however.

This leaves me with my Imperial Guard, Space Wolves, and Raven Guard.  I'm not sure what I will do, but I am sure I will let some of it go.

Perhaps once I am done clearing out unused models, I might find time and energy to actually do some painting again.

So if anyone wants more info on selling Warhammer stuff on eBay, leave a comment and I'll try and answer it.