A Death Guard list 'ave it!

Chaos Space Marines 'Deathguard' - 2,000 points


Chaos Lord - power fist, blight grenades, chaos bike, sigil of corruption, burning brand of skalathrax & mark of nurgle


5 x Plague Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x plasma guns
5 x Plague Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x plasma guns
5 x Plague Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x plasma guns
5 x Plague Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x meltaguns
5 x Plague Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x meltaguns
10 x Chaos Cultists

Fast Attack

Heldrake - baleflamer
Heldrake - baleflamer
5 x Chaos Spawn - mark of nurgle

Heavy Support

2 x Obliterators - mark of nurgle
2 x Obliterators - mark of nurgle

Total: 1,974

The list has just over 25 points spare. I guess you could add melta bombs onto the Champions if you fancied it or give the Cultists mark of nurgle. I don't think mark of nurgle is the way forward on Cultists though, but it will keep it fluffy, so who cares!?


Chaos Lord joins with his Spawn buddies and creates a super fast moving combat unit. They will have to stick to terrain so the Chaos Spawn get cover saves, though this means dangerous terrain tests for the Chaos Lord, unless you keep him out and use look out, sir with Chaos Spawn.

Chaos Spawn and the Lord will go their own way once close enough. Both units can tackle basic infantry units and vehicles, though the Chaos Lord is perhaps better against static vehicles i.e Predators etc so no infantry come spilling out ready to beat his face in. With the Lord you want to be assaulting on your terms and that means burning units with the brand and then finishing them off with the power fist. Chaos Spawn also make an excellent tarpit unit.

Plague Marines rumble up in their Rhinos. You have two options 1. move forward 12" and pop smoke 2. move forward 18" thanks to flat out move and use terrain to get cover. You could do a Rhino Train and if the first Rhino is wrecked it still still provide cover to the others. Doing this will mean the short ranged Plague Marines get into range. Their primary targets are tough vehicles, elite infantry and normal infantry. They can also tackle monstrous creatures well thanks to their plague knives, they will get 4 attacks each on the charge! Not mention Plague Marines are tough cookies as they are T5, have feel no pain and also blight grenades (defensive grenades).

You can use the Obliterators in two ways; deep strike or foot slog. I would consider both options as having them foot slog gives more saturation and takes a bit away from the Rhinos. You also have some ranged fire power on the table from the start. If you deep strike you will have all your units in the opponent's face.

Chaos Cultists are a back field scoring unit. Keep them in reserve, longer they are in reserve the less time they get shot at. Don't expect much from them though.

Heldrakes burn infantry, destroy camping units and tag team aerial vehicles and monstrous creatures.

Death Guard, is this the best list CSM can put out?