I hear that mech is making a come back, well it never went away, really. It only went away for those having a knee jerk reaction about their unstoppable Rhino boxes. 6th ed brought balanced and fair vehicle rules. Sure Rhinos are a little flimsy, but they are only transports with a small arms weapon on top and meant to get your troops mobile. Deal with it and move on.

Think of a Rhino as the 40k battlefield taxi, taxi's tend to be a little worse for wear, a bit run down and probably smell. I would really hate to smell the inside of a 5,000 year old Blood Angel Rhino!

This is where the Rhino's brother comes in, the Razorback and along with it Blood Angels - BA could knock out the fastest and best Razorback spam army in 5th ed. Will this still work in 6th ed though?

Assault Marines can't assault

The common build for BA Razorspam was six Razorbacks at the least joined with Baal Predators supported by Predators or Vindicators. For buffing purposes you will then sprinkle in Sanguinary Priests and Librarians - the Librarians would give shield of sanguinus which gives all units within 6" a 5+ cover save.

The deal with the BA Razorback list was not only was it survivable thanks to the shield and the Assault Marines inside survivable thanks to the Priests, but it had abilities of a shooting and assault army. The entire force could move 12" and unleash some serious ranged fire power which had low AP and high strength. Once the Blood Angels were in your face in their Razorbacks they could then bail out next turn and smash some serious face with furious charge buff from their Priest buddies and also a serving of preferred enemy from the Librarians.

The assault side of things for the Razorspam list is dead. You cannot assault from a vehicle unless it has a funky ramp (assault vehicle), Razorbacks do have a ramp, but I guess it is not assaulty enough. Having difficultly assaulting for Blood Angels is a right kick in the nuts as they are mostly an assault army and their core troops, Assault Marines, tend to suck some serious balls.

No assaulting or difficulty assaulting is a big issue for the BA Razorspam list. But looks like Blood Angels will have to tough it out. But, now we know what the BA Razorspam's weakness is and we can avoid going further down the assault route or work on ways around it.

The other option, which is viable, is a Blood Angels jumper list, though that's not something we're going to look at today.

Remaking the Razorspam

Without a doubt the lasplas Razorback is the best setup, you pay the same amount of points for two weapons over a single twin-linked weapon. Also do not forget that Blood Angels' vehicles are fast so can move 12" and fire two weapons.

Inside these will be units of five Assault Marines. It's best to throw in some meltaguns for that super tough av14 which the lascannons cannot tackle. The rest can carry flamers for anti horde. In total there will be six units of these.

Then it is time to add in the buffing units, dual Librarians and dual Sanguinary Priests. It's possible that only a single Priest and Librarian will be needed. More thoughts on those later.

When I previously used Razorbacks I found out that the list works with something big and juicy to take the bullets away from the Razorbacks. I previously used Vindicators and I still really like them, but heavy support needs to be for something else. I am going to look into the fast attack department and look in the direction of the Baal Predator. The Baal Pred will work very nicely with the flamestorm, 6th is about hybrid lists so more infantry to burn. The Baal Predator has scout, so it can move 12" for re-deployment - if you're going first and you have deployed 12" from your table edge then it is possible the Baal could be dropping that flamer template first turn. With the Baals up front the Razorspam army will have some distraction units.

Back to heavy support, the Razorspam army needs anti air and the Stormraven comes up here. For 200 points you get an av12 all round flyer with a lot of anti tank or anti troop capabilities. Plus it doesn't have to worry about melta too much and you have transport ability. I think this is quite a steal actually. Two of these should be more than enough.

Back to the Libbies and Priests, I think one of each should be fine. There's only 32 infantry models in this army so mass Priests shouldn't be needed. Plus the army needs to be bunched together to benefit from shield. Speaking of shield, one Libby should be enough too, as the Baals will be scouting ahead and out of shield range. This will leave the Libby to cover six vehicles, which is do-able.

Here's the list:

Blood Angels 'Razorspam' - 2,000 points


Librarian - shield of sanguinus & whatever you want


Sanguinary Priest


5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - meltagun - Razorback w/ twin-linked plasma gun & lascannon
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - meltagun - Razorback w/ twin-linked plasma gun & lascannon
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - flamer - Razorback w/ twin-linked plasma gun & lascannon
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - flamer - Razorback w/ twin-linked plasma gun & lascannon
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - flamer - Razorback w/ twin-linked plasma gun & lascannon
5 x Assault Marines w/ Razorback - flamer - Razorback w/ twin-linked plasma gun & lascannon

Fast Attack

Baal Predator - flamestorm cannon
Baal Predator - flamestorm cannon
Baal Predator - flamestorm cannon

Heavy Support

Stormraven Gunship - twin-linked multi melta & twin-linked lascannon
Stormraven Gunship - twin-linked multi melta & twin-linked lascannon

Total: 1,865

As you can see this list is way under the points. Just for your information you could lose a Baal Predator and make this a 1,750 list. Anyway, to get it up to 2k I would consider some specials on the squad Sgts, having a single weapon isn't a good idea so it might be worth adding a combi weapon or an infernus pistol or hand flamer - all are pretty expensive considering either a single shot or have some limitations to them i.e low strength or short range. I would also throw on some kind of weapon on the Priest in case of challenges, perhaps a lightning claw?

Would this work? I don't know, you tell me :)