Recently I posted a CSM list in the format of a fallen legion, here's the post: Chaos Space Marines 'Death Guard' - 2,000 points. I thought I would carry on and make a series of posts which each feature an army list for the fallen legions. Today's post is World Eaters!

Chaos Space Marines w/ Chaos Daemon allies 'World Eaters' - 2,000 points


Chaos Lord - lightning claw, sigil of corruption, juggernaut of khorne, burning brand of skalathrax & mark of khorne
Bloodthirster - exalted reward


10 x Khorne Berzerkers - Champion w/ power fist
10 x Khorne Berzerkers - Champion w/ power fist
10 x Bloodletters of Khorne

Fast Attack

Heldrake - baleflamer
5 x Chaos Spawn
10 x Flesh Hounds of Khorne

Heavy Support

Chaos Land Raider - dirge caster & extra armour
Chaos Land Raider - dirge caster & extra armour

Total: 2,010

Whoops, over by 10 points. Drop a Chaos Spawn maybe?

When making this list I thought Chaos Daemons would be a good way to go in order to get some variety in. I did also consider Mutilators as no one uses them and with mark of khorne they would be pretty annoying deep striking into the rear of your deployment zone. Chaos Terminators were another unit, but throwing them in Land Raiders seriously sucks up points and you cannot have Khorne Berzerkers in a Rhino.


The Chaos Lord teams with the Chaos Spawn and they zoom forward using cover. They will split off in time with the Chaos Lord picking on small units in combat but not before a good roasting while Spawn tackle infantry, act as a tarpit and even annoy vehicles.

The Land Raiders will come charging forward carrying the Berzerkers. I added extra armour so only immobilised results are stopping these and you can also laugh when someone tries and overwatches them thanks to the dirge casters.

Flesh Hounds add redundancy with fast moving units, they will provide excellent support and saturation for the Chaos Spawn.

The Chaos Daemons part is really to add a second flyer, a Bloodthirster. Due to lack of troops in this list and the fact the troops are tearing it up the Bloodthirster will use the portalglyph and spawn free troops - remember to drop it some where out of line of sight ;)

The Heldrake supports the Bloodthirster by giving another flying threat. It can also soften up units with the baleflamer prior to assault.

Choppy choppy, you likey like?