If you've been here before, You have likely seen my Eldar Aegis Defense Line that I sculpted, cast and then subsequently sold.

Sadly it was not the cash cow I'd been hoping for.

I decided to take a stab at reproducing it digitally, and if I am satisfied with the results, I may put it up for sale on some 3D printing service. 

I'm choosing a service because it will be easier for them to accept more types of payment, handle international shipping, and reduce time from order to shipment to the customer.

Here is a picture of the original pylon and a digital sculpt-in-progress.

I'll keep you updated as I continue to work out the details, and then I will start looking at 3D printing services, and see if the pricing would be feasible for my fellow players.

Thanks for stopping by and feel free to leave comments on the sculpts, the state of 3D printing and digital distribution.