The Space Marine Centurions have been the talk of the town the past couple days. A lot of people don't like the models, don't like how they'll be retconning the fluff to fit them in, and of course it's the new over powered unit that everyone has a problem with. Personally, I'm not a fan of the models, but they are starting to grow on me a bit. I'm reserving final judgement until I see them person. As to the rules, the sky isn't falling and I hate how people form an opinion before we have all the info. Take a breath and relax.
Anyway, my favorite 40K Podcast, 40K Radio, has been posting some info over on their Facebook page of what the rules look like in the upcoming Space Marines Codex. Here is what we got so far and I did reformat this a bit for ease of reading and to fix some typos. If you want to see the original post, check out their Facebook page here. They also said there is more coming, so it would make sense to follow them on Facebook and give them a Like.
Rules after the break.
- Centurion "Devastators" come with Twin-linked Heavy Bolter and Hurricane Bolter for 60 points. You can have up to 6 in a squad.
- Can be taken as Elites or Heavy Support.
- Heavy Support are the "Devastator" option. They come with Twin-linked Heavy Bolters and Hurricane Bolters. Hurricane Bolters can be upgraded to missile (Not sure what kind. –TH) and Heavy Bolters upgraded to Twin-linked Lascannon or Grav-cannon and Grav-amp. (From what I've heard, a Grav-amp makes Grav Weapons Twin-linked. Nasty! –TH)
- Can upgrade to Omniscope which gives Night Vision and Split Fire special rules.
- Can select a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.
- Special Rules: Slow and Purposeful, Decimator Protocols (can fire up to two weapons in each shooting phase), Very Bulky, Chapter Tactics, And They Shall Know No Fear.
- Elites are the assault option. They come with Siege Drills at Strength 9, Twin-linked Flamers, and Ironclad Assault Launchers. They can upgrade Flamers to Melta and Assault Launchers can be upgraded to Hurricane Bolters.
- Can upgrade to Omniscope which gives Night Vision and Split Fire special rules.
- Can select a Land Raider as a dedicated transport.
- Special Rules: Moves Through Cover, Slow and Purposeful, Decimator Protocols (can fire up to two weapons in each shooting phase), Very Bulky, Chapter Tactics, And They Shall Know No Fear.
There also is a Q&A going on in 40K Radio's Freebootaz Forum with some additional rules information. Not to be a tease, but I won't spoil that here as to be one of the Freebootaz requires a membership and that just wouldn't be cool of me to do. You can register for a membership here if you need to know everything (Grav weapons are soooo nasty!).
Till next time,
–The Harrower