I have left these guys to last as they are my least favourite legion. Sorry, I just do not have any love for these at all.

If you missed the previous posts, here are the other legion lists: Emperor's ChildrenWorld Eaters and Death Guard.

Chaos Space Marines 'Thousand Sons' - 2,000 points


Daemon Prince - daemon of tzeentch, the black mace, wings, power armour & mastery level 1
Sorcerer - mastery level 2, disc of tzeentch & the burning brand of skalathrax
Lord of Change - mastery level 3, greater reward & exalted reward


5 x Thousand Sons w/ Chaos Rhino
5 x Thousand Sons w/ Chaos Rhino
10 x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch

Fast Attack

Heldrake - baleflamer
Heldrake - baleflamer
6 x Screamers of Tzeentch

Heavy Support

2 x Obliterators - mark of tzeentch
2 x Obliteraotrs - mark of tzeentch

Total: 1,997

Originally I wanted a Chaos Daemon Daemon Prince in the list, that would give five flyers in total, but not enough points - sad panda :(

I decided to ally in Chaos Daemons for this list as I am really not a fan of the Sorcerers as HQ choices. By adding in Chaos Daemons I get new options and can mix in other units from the CSM book i.e Daemon Prince and Screamers.


Both of the winged monsters take to the skies, the Mace Prince rolls on biomancy and hopes to get something good - iron arm would be brilliant. Best swinging both big monsters down each flank, this will leave a gap so to speak for your other forces to move up. Both monsters will drop down when the time is ready.

The Mace Prince will go for hordes and other monstrous creatures. Would also be an effective warlord killing machine.

Lord of Change could use flickering fire of tzeentch to rear armour enemy flyers and glance ground targets. I have taken the greater reward for the mutating warpblade, I think it will be funny. You could roll on the rewards and see what you get first though. The exalted is there really to generate more troops, you could though get the grimnoire and cast this on the Screamers giving them a nice 3+ invulnerable, this is the reason why I wanted that Daemon Prince!

Horrors claim objective in your deployment zone. Thousand Sons roll out and get others close by, particularly those ones held by other small troop numbers - their AP3 bolters will chew up anything not in 2+ armour.

Heldrake do anti flyer duty by tag teaming a flyer and knocking it out with vector strikes. They do what they do best and that's burn.

Screamers join the Sorcerer and create a fast moving hammer unit. Sorcerer can use the mastery level to pimp himself up, though endurance would be nice cast on the Screamers. Throw in the brand and you can soften units up before munching on them.

I was really stuck for heavy support choices for Thousand Sons, I was trying to think of something fluffy. In the end I opted for Obliterators as they can fit in anything and add much needed melta along with other things into the list.

Let me know what you think dust and magic lovers.