A Word Bearer's list today!

Here are the previous legion lists: Thousand Sons Emperor's ChildrenWorld EatersDeath Guard and Iron Warriors.

Chaos Space Marines 'Word Bearers' - 2,000 points


Dark Apostle - gift of mutation


10 x Possessed


20 x Chaos Cultists - 2 x flamers & mark of khorne
20 x Chaos Cultists - 2 x flamers & mark of khorne
10 x Chaos Space Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x plasma guns
10 x Chaos Space Marines w/ Rhino - 2 x plasma guns

Fast Attack

Heldrake - baleflamer
Heldrake - baleflamer

Heavy Support

Chaos Land Raider - extra armour

Total: 1,995

When making this list I tried to stick to a daemonic presence, so I thrown in a couple of Forgefiends and a unit of Possessed. To keep in theme I've taken two large units of Cultists. Originally I did have two Land Raiders and two Possessed units backed up by double Apostles, but it was waaaaaaaaaaay over points.

The beauty of Word Bearers themed list is they have several options for allies; Chaos Daemons and Imperial Guard. I did consider ditching a single Heldrake and a Cultist unit and maybe getting a Lord Commissar, Infantry Platoon, Vendetta and maybe a paired Leman Russ unit. I didn't give much thought for Daemons, but a Herald of Khorne on a juggernaut with Flesh Hounds did cross my mind.


Apostle and Possessed go into the Land Raider; this is the deathstar unit. How much of a deathstar it is remains to be seen. The Land Raider can move up with support from the Rhinos, use the Rhinos to give it cover. Throw the Cultists in front of the vehicles, they will give the Rhinos some cover. Here you are at the mercy of the Cultist's run movement, but once close enough you could easily part the Cultists and allow for the vehicles to move up and their squads to disembark.

Cultists will tarpit other deathstar units, they have mark of khorne so each grunt will get a nice 4 attacks each on the charge :) I have added flamers so they can do some damage to units prior to charge of if anyone wants to try charging them, the old wall of death never gets tiring :)

CSM add a little more heavy duty fire power. They soften up units before the Possessed charge or just pick on basic troops. It is these guys who should be going for the objectives, which by the way should be placed towards your opponent or at least middle of the table. Reason for this is you are going that way with majority of your army and don't want to double back to claim objectives. 

I know the Forgefiends aren't popular and really I thrown them in just to give a daemonic feel and to be something different from the other lists while adding some ranged fire power.