Thinking of a different Daemons list today other from FMC.

Chaos Daemons 'Scream-Grinder' - 2,000 points


Herald of Tzeentch - mastery level 3, exalted reward & disc
Herald of Tzeentch - mastery level 3, exalted reward & disc


3 x Beasts of Nurgle
3 x Beasts of Nurgle
3 x Beasts of Nurgle


11 x Pink Horrors
11 x Pink Horrors

Fast Attack

9 x Screamers of Tzeentch
9 x Screamers of Tzeentch

Heavy Support

Soul Grinder - mark of tzeentch, baleful torrent & phelgm bombardment
Soul Grinder - mark of tzeentch, baleful torrent & phelgm bombardment
Soul Grinder - mark of tzeentch, baleful torrent & phelgm bombardment

Total: 1,986

Yeah, you know what I am like for shitty names, but Scream-Grinder sounds pretty bad ass :P

There's a few points spare in this list, maybe an lesser reward on the warlord?

Heralds tag team up with the Screamers. One Herald takes the grimnoire, probably the warlord, while the other Herald uses the portalglyph. Heralds roll on the divination power and hopefully get the forewarning power, this is then cast on the warlord's unit and this will stack with the grimnoire giving the Screamers a 2+ inv save. There's other sweet powers on divination as well such as precongition and misfortune. If you fancy you could take a single power from the discipline of change and use flickering fire; it will give a little fire power to the units.

Grinders offer air support, they are not awesome at it, but better than nothing. I was considering throwing in a aegis defence line with a quad gun; Pink Horrors could hide behind it - go to ground and need 2+ for cover saves, Horrors re-roll failed saving throws of a 1. Maybe ditch four Screamers?

Back onto the Grinders, the torrent and bombardment can deal with hordes, elite infantry and vehicles.


Heralds and Screamers zoom forward. With luck both of them will get forewarning and one unit will have the 2+ inv (thanks to the grimoire) and the other will have a 4+ save. I would like some misfortune in there too, really awesome if the Screamers plough into a Terminator unit, forcing those saves to be re-rolled is extremely useful.

Screamers should boost down the board or sweep something to get some early damage off, though it is unlikely they will sweep anything first turn.

Horrors just glance transports to death or light armour, they are just there to get objectives. The portalglyph can spawn more of them. Make sure the portalglyph is dropped some where out of LOS and where it can get cover.

Grinders move up slowly using torrent and blast to tackle vehicles and infantry. Once they get close they should mash up troops who stand zero chance against them, they particularly good for finishing off Space Marine units as the blast will leave some alive and the Marines can do nothing in close combat with their krak grenades - even a power fist only stands 50% chance of causing damage.

I added the nurgle beasts for counter assault purposes; that attention seeker rule will come in useful if someone gets close. With their mass poison attacks they should tackle monstrous creatures too.

Would this work? Let me know Tzeentch Daemon lovers.