A quick one today; when playing 40k do you fight to the bitter end or will you concede when you no there's zero chance of victory or a draw?

I have played against people who will keep playing the game until it ends or they are tabled. I have also played against people who accept defeat and will call it a day.

Personally if I see no chance of scoring a victory or a draw I will call it a day. I do not see much point in carrying on if the end result of the game is going to be the same. Once or twice I have stayed on until the end of the game knowing that I cannot win. On rare occasion I have managed to turn that defeat into a draw or even a victory; that is pretty sweet.

There's no right or wrong in conceding or carrying on until the end. I guess each one to their own.

Do you fight until the bitter end or do you admit defeat and walk on?