I've been talking about how Shrike, while a characterful addition, may not be the best choice to lead your Raven Guard force.  In short, he is expensive and a more survivable and versatile HQ can be had for less points, if you are willing to sacrifice the USR Stealth. 

I plan on running a Scout-heavy force and have been working on two Shadow Captains as I am not sure which weapon loadout I prefer.  On the left you can see Shadow Captain Fulgor Moriorum (Lightning Disease) and to the right is Shadow Captain Umbra Mortis (Shadow of Death). They both wear Artificer Armor and Jump Packs.  Moriorum is armed with a Power Weapon(sword) Plasma Pistol and carries a Melta Bomb.  Mortis carries a Storm Shield, Combi-Melta and a Relic Blade.

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