This past weekend I got to paly a big apocalypse battle with my friends, Brother Captain James and fritz 40K.  I had promised to bat rep the battle.  i did try but in the end it was basically me jsut talking shit with Fritz.  Again and agian I had to let him know that I was his better in every way.  I love having a fun smack talk fest with my select friends.  Anyway, all my clips just ended up being us talking smack, and laughing along the way.  I did end up having Abaddon beating down his grand master like the bitch Fritz was, (is!) LOL  
I ended up getting my hands on a some bits from the Maulerfiend kit and i really fell in love with the lasher tendrils.  I would have kept piling them on but I began to worry about storage.  I ran him as a maulerfiend in the apoc game.  I have plans for some intense freehand on the left and right blank spaces next to his head.
During the end of the apocalypse battle, I started wheeling and dealing with lil wil from the blog: the unholy harbinger.  he bought a box of the new raptors on a whim and wanted to trade.  I was more than happy to oblige.  I gave up some noise marines that i didnt use.  In a earlier post, I mention my disappointment in the lack of new kits.  After getting my hands on the new raptor kit, I feel even more dissapointed.  This kit is good adn it points to how the cultist kits should have gone.  This is a noise marine/ slaanesh guy that I converted from the kit.  5 of the ten shoulder pads look as though they have speakers mounted in them, while there are random speakers mounted on knees in different poses.  I know the legs are supposed to represent pre or post flight but I made this guy look as though he is jumping down from something.  I really like how this slayer of worlds turned out.