Next Tournament is at the end of the month. No allies and no fortifications – so I think I’ll take my bikes. Here’s the list


Captain on a bike with artificer armour, a lightening claw and a power fist

Command squad.            Bike 1, Power Lance and Power Axe
                                                Bike 2, Power Lance and Power Axe
                                                Bike 3, Storm shield
                                                Bike 4, Storm Shield
                                                Bike 5, Apothecary

Bike Squad 1                      Sergeant with Combi Plasma, melta bombs
                                                2x bikes with Plasma Gun
                                                2x standard bikes
                                                MM Attack Bike

Bike Squad 2                      Sergeant with Combi Plasma, melta bombs
                                                2x bikes with Plasma Gun
                                                2x standard bikes
                                                MM Attack Bike

Bike Squad 3                      Sergeant with Combi Melta
                                                2x bikes with Melta Guns
                                                2x standard bikes
                                                MM Attack Bike

Storm Talon with Skyhammer Missiles x 2

Dakka Predator x 3

I have only played one game with this army, last Wednesday at the non-club. It was against my regular opponent who usually plays a foot slogging space wolves list, with some drop pods. However this time he ran 4 dreadnaughts (one of them Bjorn) a couple of LCTLPlasma razorbacks and a Landraider - all full of grey hunters/wolf guard in various configurations.  We played annihilation and vanguard strike.

It was a fun game (as they always are), but it showed me there is a learning curve with a bike army. I made a lot of mistakes, and played somewhat ineptly (I kept forgetting about FNP on the Command Squad, and about the “Jink” save that all bikes get now). Also, I suspect that the command squad is a mistake (it did nothing all game) – more scoring bikes would be better I think. Also, I’m not persuaded that the predators are the way to go. The army was built as a 1500pt army, the predators are there to make up the points to 1750. They were really the only things I had that sort of worked.

So, I’m not expecting great things from this tourney in terms of wins (as opposed to my stellar performance at the last one!), but I hope to learn a lot about how the army works, and to work out how it might be built more effectively.

That’s one of the great things about tournament –the intensity of experience you get from playing 6 games with the same army in 2 days. You can’t beat it!