I’ve decided on my list for the tournament on 7th October. I’m going with ork allies. I tried to work something out with the bikes but it just wasn’t working.

Here’s the list.


Shasel, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Multitracker, HW Black Sun Filter, HW Drone Controller, 2 Gun Drones
                2 Bodyguards, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Targeting Array, HW Multitracker

Shasel, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Multitracker, HW Black Sun Filter, HW Drone Controller, 2 Gun Drones
                2 Bodyguards, Missile Pod, Plasma Rifle, Targeting Array, HW Multitracker


Team 1 XV8 TL Missile Pod, Drone Controller, Gun Drone
XV8 TL Missile Pod, Drone Controller, Gun Drone
XV8 TL Missile Pod, Black Sun Filter

Team 2 XV8 TL Missile Pod, Drone Controller, Gun Drone
XV8 TL Missile Pod, Drone Controller, Gun Drone
XV8 TL Missile Pod, Black Sun Filter


                6 Fire Warriors
                10 Kroot
                10 Kroot

                XV88, team leader, Targeting Array, HW Drone Controller, HW Black Sun Filter, 2 Shield Drones
                XV88, Targeting Array
                XV88, Targeting Array


                Big Mech, KFF
                29 Boyz
28 Boyz

The main difference from the list I played last Saturday is I’ve swapped out an XV88, and some boyz for some Fireknives. This gives me 6 BS4 Fireknives, 6 Deathrains, 3  XV88s, and a bunch of troops. My thinking is that fewer people will be taking armour so one less XV88 shouldn’t be a problem, particularly when it’s backed up by all the missile pods.  Also I suspect that there will be more infantry with 3+ or 2+ saves, hence the Fireknives.

Strategy is still pretty simple. The boyz push forward and try and take and hold midfield, protecting the suits, while the suits kill everything! Meanwhile the fire warriors and the kroot take objectives. If the boyz can take some objectives, that’s great, but their main role is to give my opponent something to worry about, and shoot at. I don’t expect them to survive, but they will shield my gunline and take the heat off my suits. In many ways they serve the same function as my Kroot Screen in 5th, but they are way better. Looking simply at their stats, Kroot and orks are comparable, with Kroot perhaps having the edge (better strength, BS and initiative). However, 2 things make orks so much better – the 5+ save from the KFF, and the fact they’re fearless (unless brought below 11 models).  They are also of course 1 point each cheaper….! They’re the ideal meat shield for the suits.

I also like the idea of ork allies. I can just imagine the Shasel giving them a rousing pre battle speech (in my mind he speaks like an old Etonian!)

“OK chaps, you’ve all done really well so far. Just one more big effort. Off you go and charge the guns again… that’s it…. on you go, it’s  for the Greater Good! We’re right behind you.”