I’ve already written a little about allies for Tau, mostly focusing on Eldar, but I’m thinking about 2 others – orks and SM bikes. Brief thoughts below, followed by a list for each army. These will be the list I’ll take to the gaming day this Saturday.


I have already written quite a bit about this. Broadly speaking Eldrad uses his 4 rolls on the Divination table to buff the army’s shooting. Last time I played a version of this list I ran Eldar Pathfinders. As reported the list lacked fast scoring units.  The next iteration will run jet bikes instead. The list will be

Shasel – death rain with iridium armour, black sun filter and 2 shield drones

3 XV8s -  death rains, with black sun filters and 2 gun drones
3 XV8s – Fireknives, with BSF and 2 gun drones
3 XV8s – Fireknives, with BSF and 2 gun drones

12 Fire Warriors
10 Kroot
10 Kroot

2 Broadsides, targeting arrays, 2 shield drones, BSF
2 Broadsides, targeting arrays, 2 shield drones, BSF

3 Guardian Jet Bikes
3 Guardian Jet Bikes


The problem with the Eldar list is that it doesn’t solve the main problem with Tau – crappy troops, and their inability to take and hold objectives. Adding a big mek with KFF and 60 shoota boys with power claw nob might solve that problem!  The list will be

Shasel – death rain with iridium armour, black sun filter and 2 shield drones

3 XV8s -  death rains, with black sun filters and 2 gun drones
3 XV8s -  death rains, with black sun filters and 2 gun drones
3 XV8s -  death rains, with black sun filters and 2 gun drones

12 Fire Warriors
10 Kroot
10 Kroot

2 Broadsides, targeting arrays, 2 shield drones, BSF
2 Broadsides, targeting arrays, 2 shield drones, BSF

Big Mek with KFF
29 boyz and a power claw nob with a boss pole
29 boyz and a power claw nob with a boss pole

SM Bikes

Again, this is an attempt to solve the “crappy troops” problem, but also the difficulty of where one should put ones plasma (!). The list will be

Shasel Deathrain 2 Shield Drones

2 XV8s -  death rains, with black sun filters
3 XV8s -  death rains, with black sun filters and 2 gun drones
3 XV8s -  death rains, with black sun filters and 2 gun drones

6 Fire Warriors
6 Fire Warriors


2 x Hammerhead

SM Captain, Bike, Artificer Armour, Power First, Lightening Claw

8 Bikes, 1 MM Attack Bike, 2 Plasma Gun, Combi Plasma
8 Bikes, 1 MM Attack Bike, 2 Plasma Gun, Combi Plasma

So, the choice between Eldar and Orks is between boosting Tau’s strength (with Eldar), or shoring up their weakness (with Orks). The SM Biker option tries to do a bit of both, but also significantly increases the armies mobility.

I’ll be playing all three lists on Saturday.