In a nutshell, this image fits my impression of the Necrons with their new, retconned fluff:

Well almost. I would have preferred him standing in front of an Airstream know, the metal lives and all of that

I had a Cron army some years back, but sadly don't have any photos of them. They were a solid army, and could win easily and do so without monoliths or C'tan (which were generally considered 'must haves' to win). That said, they kinda worked like a civil war styled army in terms of their infantry formations/tactcs. Needless to say I grew bored with them quickly, and sold 'em off (financing a generous portion of Christmas one year).

Despite all of the BS that Fucking Ward put into the new army (Mindshackle Scarabs anyone?), his new fluff was quite entertaining and a VAST improvement over the teenage fanfic-like crap in the GK codex (of which my copy just went the way of eBay). Likewise, while I have no intention to field any of the special characters, some of them sound like a hoot (fluffwise). Anyways, I've been pondering the Crons as a small allied contingent for my GF's Tau for awhile and bought a few for just that purpose.

Six immortals (5 painted decently) and a Triarch Praetorian (along with some bitz) to convert into a Necron Lord. Lord models are either 2nd hand metals, or finecrap. The only plastic one comes with the Command barge, and to get that one on eBay costs so much I may was well just buy the dumb barge itself. So this model (still a WIP) will work for me. Its equipped with a Res. Orb and Gauntlet of fire.

Whilst out and about last week, my GF bought me/us another box of immortals, giving me a full squad of 10 for their battlefield debut this past weekend (they did little other than camp an objective and kill a single termie). Whilst I'm content with what we now have as an allied contingent, my GF is pondering the Crons as a 2nd army. Dunno on that, but we shall see...

My first finished Immortal.