So Matt Ochs from Monster Lab Miniatures contacted me and asked if I would like some free bases for Malifaux/Warmachine on the basis I review them; I said does a bear shit in the woods :)

Matt generously sent me six packets of allsorted bases. It took less than a week for me to receive them and Matt was shipping from US all the way to me in ol' blighty.

The first thing I notice about the bases is they are packaged very well considering these products are from a smaller company. The bases come in separate bags sealed at the top with the company graphic with added titled of what the product is; no confusion to be had if you get a crap load of bases - just like Matt has sent!

Corpse Markers

The corpse markers were the first bases I got out the box; they are simple bases with piles of bones and skulls dropped on a dirt base. Simple and effective and really handy for malifaux players who use Resurrectionists.

Scheme Markers

The scheme markers and used in malifaux for objectives. You can require quite a lot of them in a game depending what mission you're playing. These markers are simple and effective; dirt bases with some little nic nak on top like a treasure chest or a tool box with cogs or sticks of dynamite. The attention to detail here is great and something you'd expect from a much larger company with much more resources.

Crystal Markers

These markers have the least interest to me to be honest, probably because I have nothing suited for these bases. The bases are pretty simple in design; a flat base which is probably some kind of ice sheet with crystals erupting up cracking the surface. These are probably my least favourite bases, but that's just me, so don't let that put you off.

Scrap Markers

If you're using a Ramos crew or something alike in Malifaux, then these bases are for you! There's a massive amount of detail on these bases such as wires, pipes, cogs, shells and other robotic bits and pieces. I really cannot recommend these bases enough - great product!

50mm Wreck Markers

I think these are for Warmachine bases upon the product title. Much like the scrap markers, there's plenty of attention to detail here, lots of little robotic parts and pieces and parts of Warjacks on the bases. This base in particular have a very professional and quality look about them.

Final Thoughts

Monster Lab Miniatures have made some very good quality and detailed bases which will compliment Malifaux and Warmachine and when used with models, the bases will add the final touch.

The 30mm bases come in packs of 5 and cost a bank breaking $5. At the moment only the above bases are available, though Matt has told me that paranormal,  city ruins and western bases are coming soon.

The 40mm and 50mm bases are $5.5 for 3 and $5 for 2 for the 50mm.

These bases are from the March new releases, though Matt has told me that 40k bases are coming soon.

Check out the web site: