3250 points of Ultramarines ready for paint.
A few days ago I posted photos of my Ork army so I thought I would take a few photos of my other armies as well. This is my new Ultramarines army that I built after Christmas. I wanted an army that I could use with Codex Space Marines. My goal is to have an basic army that I can build off of no matter what changes may come in a new codex. I figured that Games Workshop will always have Ultramarines, and most of the units in this army have been around for a while. I also included a 10 man squad of the classic Legion of the Damned figures. These guys can also double as a counts as tactical squad or stern guard squad if they are left out of the next codex. The dreadnoughts, rhinos, and predator all have changeable parts to make different variations of each. The two shooty terminator squads and the two sniper scouts squads can each be combined into one large 10 man squad. Well, enough talking and on to the photos after the break! Warning, there are a lot of photos!

My Captain Sicarius
Kit-Bashed Master of the Forge with Servitor Squad
Close up of the Master of the Forge
Master of the Forge on Bike with Conversion Beamer
Classic Legion of the Damned

Classic Legion of the Damned
Assault on Black Reach Dreadnought
Iron Clad 1

Iron Clad 1 with Drop Pod

Iron Clad 2

Iron Clad 2 with Pod
Drop Pod Combat Squad

Drop Pod Combat Squad

Drop Pod with Tactical Squad
Rhino Combat Squad

Rhino Combat Squad

Rhino - needs a dozer blade!

Rhino with Tactical Squad
Rhino Combat Squad

Rhino Combat Squad

Rhino with Imperial Guard dozer blade

Rhino with Tactical Squad
Shotgun Scouts - May get a Land Speeder Storm for these guys

Sniper Scouts

Sniper Scouts
Terminator Squad

Terminator Squad
Assault Squad Sargent

Assault Squad
Fully magnetized Predator