A Tale of Four …Inquisitors?

It's hard to believe that three years and a few editons of 40K have come and gone since our last post! Other than AirmanG, none of us have really played 40K in the last few years. When the latest edition of 40K was released a month ago, myself, Bossman, Boltergeist,...

The Legion of the Damned

The weather this time of year can make it hard to prime models. One day it's cold and rainy, the next day it's warmer and humid. So having missed a few chances at priming my Crimson Slaughter army, I decided to dig through my "to do" pile and see if I had anything...

The Price of Perfection

I came across a video on YouTube earlier this week that struck a cord with me. You see, I can be sort of a perfectionist. And when painting miniatures this can be a huge hindrance as there are times when I want to throw a figure across the room because of how it is...

Howling Griffons Tactical Squad

I've always liked the paint scheme of the Howling Griffons, especially on the older Space Marine models. There is something about those old sculpts that really make them work well with bright colors. A few months ago while trolling eBay, I came an old second edition...