New content… sorta

Once again I've gotten the urge to get back into blogging. I'm currently going through my content from another blog that I was a part of and importing it here. I'm also playing around with the layout, trying to make it simpler looking and more modern. So for now,...

Stuff and Things

Wow. February 1st. Over six months since we even made a post. Life has kept us busy, and taken each of us in very different directions. We're still hobbying, but some of us have taken up new and different hobbies.I've just sent out an email asking each of the other...

Battle for stones river 2014 scenario 1

Battle for Stones River 2014 Scenario One  The BattlefieldUse deployment map: Dawn of War (page 119) and setup any player owned fortifications.  Players cannot move terrain to make room for fortifications.  Prior to deployment of forces, roll for...

Battle for stones river 2014 scenario 2

Battle for Stones River 2014 Scenario Two  The BattlefieldUse deployment map: Dawn of War (page 119) and setup any player owned fortifications.  Players cannot move terrain to make room for fortifications.  Prior to deployment of forces, roll for...